

Friday, April 22, 2011

22 April 2011,
Yes, it is definitely the paperwork, my old job I got to draw with markers. A big change. No one has yelled at me so I'm doing an ok job.
Tomorrow we take the entire brigade out for a 5 mile road march. yeah. It's one of those exciting events, ( I would liken it to some other event you might know of and dread even watching it but I won't in fear of offending someone out there who might like it).
Yesterday was a day of meanness. I was setting everyone up for pranks. We had to do a logistic sync meeting to determine where we were on our equipment maintenance and the major asked how many rifles we had. "84" was the answer. How many have been technically inspected? "83" was the answer. Where's the other one? We're still looking for it Sir. For moment in time it was priceless.
Miss Dub finally finished her play last night. She was the Stage Director. (I think). She said she felt like a First Sergeant too, having to manage people, step up when they didn't, find solutions to problems you didn't anticipate, etc. Overall, she seemed very happy with the performance of her team.
Mrs. Dub is working towards running her first 5k soon. She's been working out with one of the other wives from our company. Keep in mind, I've only seen her run one other time. Now I need to get busy so she doesn't put me to shame.
Well, I better get back to work. Be safe and have a great day.
Happy Easter, remember why this day is special and that Jesus had risen.

1 comment:

Linda said...

Oh goodie, a 5-mile march! Of course, there probably ARE some folks out there who love 'em and the heavier the pack the better!

Sounds like Miss Dub is a chip right off of the old block!

A very happy Easter to you, too, Sarge. May the blessings of the Lord be with you then and every day!