

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

19 August 08,
Our lead instructor, Jabra, told us last week, that the upcoming couple of weeks would test us, that we would hate Arabic for that time period. Boy, he wasn't kidding! AAAGH! We've started story time. We are given stories in Arabic to read and speak. This part of the school has been different from our hands-on methods we have been using up to this point. We are currently sitting on 800 to 1000 words in Arabic, that we have been given. Now, I can give you many of them, I will say with all certainty, it's not close to 800, but I can sit there and say, yes, I mean,
'na'am', I've heard that word used before. Most of our instructions come in Arabic now, which means I know about half of what's being said and can get the gist of what they are telling us. I would like to know all of what they are saying and have a clear understanding, but that will take time. We are supposed to take our first test this week which will gauge where we are at as individuals in our learning. Yeah?
I bought my plane ticket to head home for Labor Day weekend, back to American Airlines. My part of the City back in Oklahoma has been seeing a lot of rain in the last couple of days, I read one report that they are looking at some flooding now. Our place is up high but we still see water standing in the yard. (Just one more thing I need to work on when I get back to Oklahoma)
Over to the right side of my page you should see the link for Keni Thomas. He was one of the performers who came to Afghanistan during Christmas with the USO. If you don't remember, he also served in the Army and was in Somalia, which was later made into the movie, Black Hawk Down. Since leaving the Army, he has worked as a motivational speaker, song writer and performer. His first CD was Flags of our Fathers, A Soldier's Story. His new CD is Gunslinger, I've heard a couple of tracks from it and will be looking to buy it soon.
Well, I need to get back to the studying. Have a great day.


Desert Songbird said...

Well, they say the best way to learn a language is to immerse yourself in it. I'd say you're getting fully dunked!

Amazing Gracie said...

You need to come on home and order "Rosetta Stone." They say you can learn any language (yep, right from an infomercial!).
I wonder if they speak Pig Latin in Arabic....
I was there when the rains poured in OKC. I've never seen it rain that hard, anywhere - and I've seen lots of rain!
BTW: I love your wonderful city and have tons of photos to post. I took one especially for you but haven't started my OK posts yet.

Wade Huntsinger said...

Upon your recommendation some time ago I bought Flags of Our Fathers and I loved it. TC, not so much. something about his voice she does not like, but I do. I am sure I will get this one as well. I guess all those skills you are learning will come him great when you are SM. Are you still the acting 1st Sarge? What about OKC police,are they being cooperative with you. I mean just because you didn't have your own squad car and all does not mean you have to run out and learn another language. Anywho, have a good one!

Linda said...

Hey Sarge,

It's been awhile since I've visited so I just wanted to pop in and say 'hi'.

Hope you're having a good time learning Arabic (though it doesn't sound like it!) and that all is well otherwise.

Take care!