Al Franken and Leeann Tweeden did a fantastic job emceeing the show last night. Al, during one of his moments showed concern about traveling to Bagram Airfield by convoy. He stated to the crowd that if he was captured and video taped, we should look for messages from him. "If they video tape me and you see me and it looks like I'm crying, that's the signal for you to come rescue me. If they video tape me and it looks like I'm crying....and I've wet my pants, that's the signal for you to come rescue me...and bring an extra pair of pants." He continued in the Bob Hope fashion of attempting to get a kiss or more from co-emcee Leeann, and failed.
Former Army Ranger Keni Thomas came on next with Shevy Smith playing keyboard and guitar for him. Keni has one album out right now, Flags Of Our Fathers, A Soldier's Story. Shevy has an amazing voice herself and it shouldn't be long before she starts to shine.
A hip hop group called Washington Project is a brother sister team who's father is a retired Air Force Sergeant. They have some real talent and every song was geared towards the troops, heck I even gave a shot at dancing
Darryl Worley was the final act and really had the crowd worked up. First, he came out wearing a jacket over a seemingly red jersey style shirt. Please remember that Camp Phoenix is primarily made up of troops from the Oregon National Guard and the Oklahoma National Guard. Some time back in the college football season these two teams met on the field and Oregon came out on top, (we won't mention the obvious bad calls by refs, oh...I just did)
Well, just before Darryl got started he mentioned he was awful hot and took off his jacket, revealing a Oklahoma Sooner's jersey. Now, in his defense (as he is from Tennessee and said he was already doomed for wearing the jersey from folks back home) we gave him the jersey and he said he would wear it since nobody else gave him a jersey to wear.
Guess that was about it.....oh, wait.....I forgot to mention getting up on stage with Al Franken, didn't I? Yeah, I didn't know what he had planned but he asked for a couple of soldiers to come up on stage.
Guess you need to check out tomorrow's post to find out what he had in store for me. Be safe and have a good day.
Go Sarge, Happy to see the USO is still there for the troops, I saw Bob Hope once in Vietnam, I know how important these things are for you and your guys. Sorry, the only one I know is Al Franken an I must admit he is not one of my favorite people. I am happy to see that he is there for you guys. I wish in had be Rush Limbaugh and not Al, just my personal preference.
Stay safe my friend and have a great Christmas, next year will be better for you.
With Love for the Troops
The old sarge
PS: I will never forget Bob Hopes Joke about driving in the far east, He said horns were required on an automobile and breaks were optional......maybe you had to be there.
hi sgt! it sure is good to be home. is there such a thing as too much fun? sigh... i am just exhausted! later gator....bee
That-is-so-not-fair! You're so lucky daddy! Hope you had fun, me and mom are wasing your waletat the dress shop. We have our inagral(sp?)gowns and look really good in them! Merry Christmas!
Miz Dub
Hello to all, Sgt Charlie and Empress Bee, and Sgt Dub. Wonderful post. I love the pictures, and am especially happy to see Al Franken doing this sort of thing.
Your posts here are not only interesting, but informative, with all the info about the celebrities.
I wish you a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year, and may those 327 days go quickly for you.
Truth—The No Spin Politically Incorrect Zone
We have some folks here that want to give you a special Christmas greeting:
Daxton says: I love you. I miss you. How are you doing? Was it great on stage?
Cody: Hi Uncle Dean, I miss you and Merry Christmas.
Aunt Susie: Thank you very much for the beautiful scarf. I love the colors and wish you were here.
Ryan says: Yo! Look forward to seeing you here next Christmas.
Katie says: Miss you, love you. Wish you were here with us tonight.
Papa Phil says: We are all really proud of you! May you and your fellow comrades have a very Special Christmas.
Sgt. Dub,
I found your blog through Mimi's blogspot. I love it! Will add you to mine.
Do you realize what a small world that we live in. I'm from a small town in Tennessee. Only 17 miles from Savannah, TN.. home of Darryl Worley. Can you imagine the surprise when I saw this on your site. Yup, he's in some major trouble here for the jersey... LOL
Just 2 weeks ago, my 17 year old son, who graduates this year, enlisted in the USMC. He has already been to MEPS in Memphis, sworn in and will ship out July 23 for Parris Island. (Just thought you would want to know) I am so very proud of him for making this decision.
Finally, sending you and all the troops a very special Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. May all of you safely come home soon.
Very, very neat photos!!
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