

Saturday, May 12, 2007

12 May 2007, I have been tagged with several memes and two interviews. I must have angered the internet god, known as algore, he is also god of weather and earth. Forgive me for I am about to cheat at this.
10 Interesting, shocking or little known facts about myself. This meme tag came from Rock Solid. I was also tagged by Ron Simpson at The Cluttered Eclectic Mind for 8 things about me, 7 things about me by Ms. Fierce Shoes. As I am a self proclaimed rebel of sorts, I combine all of these and go with the highest number, which is 10.

1. I live by simple rules and philosophies. One is, "If you can't laugh at me, who can you laugh at?"
2. I didn't join the National Guard until I was 28, I attempted to join active duty during Desert Storm but was rejected due to my knee.
3. I actually do like having a neat and tidy area to be in, I just don't like doing the work to keep it that way.
4. Since the age of 5, all I ever wanted out of life was some land and horses, I achieved this in 2005. Now I want more of both.
5. I am a mad shopper when on orders as a soldier.
6. I was laughing the moment I hit the ground on this accident.

7. My signature in remodeling is to leave the project unfinished in some small way. 8. This drives Mrs. Dub crazy.
9. I like to wear shorts on the first heavy snow day of the year.
10.This is a picture of me, my 10 year old sister, 13 year old daughter and 38 year old brother.Now, I still owe the two interviews and will hopefully accomplish both of them tomorrow. If you remember Vadon coming to visit us a little while ago, and that he works for Build-A-Bear, well, he sent us some more bears this week, and had a few speical ones for LT. M, MAJ M, and myself. Looks like Sgt Dub back home may have an officer moving in.

I must get back to packing away the office so I can start on my stuff. Be safe this weekend and have a great day.


Sarge Charlie said...

so short you have to shove stuff together into one, that is short....

Stay safe shortie

Empress Bee (of the high sea) said...

yeah, what sarge said!

smiles, bee

Mrs Xoke said...

You missed the meme I tagged you with :(

Write Before Sleep said...

Sgt Dub -- you make me laugh every day. Mrs. Dub is one lucky woman to have found a man w/ such a great sense of humor and sense of "human". By the latter, I mean your sense of knowing what a person needs to hear and saying it AND revealing yourself to others with all your imperfections intact.

I hope that makes sense.

Your comments on my blog are very appreciated!


Linda said...

Hey Sarge - sorry I've been MIA all week; it's been hectic in my little corner of Connecticut! Nice to learn some more things about my favorite National Guardsman - hope you had a fantastic weekend!

Travis Cody said...

Shorts on a snow day eh?

And I guess as long as the thing left undone isn't a hole in a wall, there's no harm!

Rock Solid said...

hey're supposed to 'hit-the-ground on your stomach!
check your spam...

Ben said...

Yeah, you sure do like to go shopping on Uncle Sam's dime. That's how I got the most comfortable pistol grip ever. Now if only I could find the original one...

Sandee said...

Well, I can't say I'm surprised about any of these answers. Stay safe and God bless.

Erika Jean said...

great post! I want to know more about that accident....

Author said...

I just found your site and wanted to thank you for keeping us safe back home. Keep yourself safe and I will bookmark your site and stay up-to-date with you and your blog. Feel free to check out mine.


Amazing Gracie said...

I wish I had military training when it comes to packing! I have no organization skills at all and too much stuff.
As you know, I love your sense of humor and the fact that Miss Dub and Mrs. Dub share it!
Keep safe and hurry home!!!

Odat said...

Thanks for sharing more about that bear....keep on laughing!!!!