14 April 2007, well, last night Mrs. Dub told me to take no chances today. You see, while the rest of you fear Friday the 13th, I have the same bad luck with Saturday the 14th. Now, the only thing even remotely close to bad luck today, so far, was having to sit in a meeting that wasn't a very good meeting at all. The person running the meeting started off with, "well, we don't have everyone we need, so let's just do introductions and we'll meet again next week." Forty-five minutes later, we leave.
So, today wasn't too bad. Maj F has me working on a wood project, I'll try to snap some pictures along the way. I'm a little rushed on one of them, but I think we can meet all the time tables set forth. Not much else is happening at the moment, and that's always good. I did notice a large gap between myself and the other person we discussed yesterday, I feel much better now, and I thank you.
Be safe and have a great day.
Hey thanks for the visit and the vote.
p.s. oops, also slipped in a vote for your blog. Cheers
luck is what you make of it
Being born on the 13th, at 7:13p.m.,weighing in at 7/13,my mom in room 13, later on met my husband on the 13th and got engaged 7 months later on the 13th, I consider 13 my lucky number...except for the year I actually turned 13 and on that very day started "the monthly curse".............
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